
Dear Visitor,
We are pleased to welcome you on this website that has been designed & launched within the framework of “Scaling up green finance practices in Armenia” Project initiated by the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Armenia, funded by Green Climate Fund and implemented by “ARMSWISSBANK” CJSC.
It consolidates information available about green finance practices in Armenia, activities implemented within the framework of the Project, reference to international best practices reviewed and proposed for adaptation in Armenia, as well as provides with the linkages to respective knowledge sources for those willing to explore the topic further.
We hope, that this portal will become kind of collaborative platform for those banks and non-banking financial institutions willing to share information about “green finance” products available, raise concerns and propose recommendations aimed at advancing respective practices. This can be done through our Blog were international and local distinguished experts will be invited to moderate respective debates, provide with their insights and periodically share information about major global tendences in the domain of climate finance.
Wishing you productive knowledge sharing and capacity enhancement activities,
Best regards,

Dear visitor,
Welcome to this learning portal that is a vivid example of a successful public-private partnership between Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Armenia, Central Bank of Armenia and “ARMSWISSBANK” CJSC.
Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Armenia pays specific attention towards collaboration with private sector and crafting similar partnership initiatives. It is well understood that engagement of socially responsible businesses is critical to address climate challenges faced by Armenia and increase resilience of our communities.
This knowledge sharing platform has been designed to match the interests of different stakeholder groups. Financial intermediaries are welcomed to share information about “green finance” products made available for their clients and provide them with the opportunity to select the one that is mostly suitable for their needs. At the meantime, for individual users this is a good starting point to learn the basics of “green finance” (through respective video lessons that are uploaded) and follow key developments at the international scene.
We believe that you will find information that is matching your interests and will contribute towards climate debates in the respective sections of the website.
Gayane Gabrielyan
Deputy Minister of Environment

Dear colleague,
I am delighted to welcome you at this “green finance” portal which is aimed at consolidation of knowledge about the subject and creating kind of “one window” to share information about available “green finance” products, international best practices and recent trends, as well as enabling self-learning.
Central Bank of Armenia finds this initiative as timely and well-structured to reach each potential customer and very much encourages commercial banks and non-banking financial institutions to share information about “green finance products” and success stories to instigate more households and business to “go green”.
We will also be delighted to facilitate and contribute to any dialogue to be originated in the Blog section of the web-site and make it really matching to your information and learning interests.
Hasmik Ghahramanyan
Member of the Board,
Central Bank of Armenia